How will DSM achieve this goal?
In order to achieve this goal, DSM has selected Tradeshift as its global e-invoicing partner. Tradeshift was identified among all the possible solution providers in the market as the one best suited to reaching this goal for a number of reasons. Trad ...
When will this solution be deployed to the suppliers?
During the course of 2012 a pilot project is being rolled out to selected suppliers. In June all participants in the pilot will receive an invitation to register and connect with DSM. After a successful pilot, e-invoicing will be rolled out to most ...
Is this mandatory for all suppliers?
Yes. Sending invoices to DSM electronically is mandatory for all invited suppliers. ...
What’s in it for me?
DSM acknowledges that in order for this to be successful, we needed to give something back to our suppliers. Therefore, using Tradeshift will allow you to see the status of all your invoices sent to DSM, in real time. Furthermore, using Tradeshift al ...